Cover Reveal – “Jak and the Impossible Son”!
The cover is finished for “Jak and the ImpossibleSon”, the is the 2nd book in the Jak and the Scarlet Thread series. Hopefully it inspires intrigue, mystery and a desire to find out what happens in the story.
Book #2 covers Genesis 10-50, the continuation of God’s plan to redeem humanity from death and give the opportunity to live forever. You may recognize characters such as Abram, Sarai, Lot, Jacob, Joseph and his brothers, plus a few others you may have missed if you have read Genesis before.
This cover was also designed by Kumuditha Herath in Sri Lanka. We hooked up on and he did a great job. Plenty of late nights sending messages half-way across the world, trying to communicate what we are each thinking in order to bring life to the cover. I was always grateful for his graciousness in trying out my ideas – some of which worked and some of which definitely did not. 🙂
The silhouette image of Jak was designed by a senior in high school – Jewel Sauk. She is an amazing artist! She also had tremendous patience with me in trying out various poses and ideas, shading of the Thread. Looking forward to other projects where you will be able to see even more of her talent shine through.
It would be fun to do some interviews with both Kumuditha and Jewel.
I am still on track for publishing the paperback version this Thursday, September 15. I was planning on releasing the updated “Jak and the Scarlet Thread” today, but the cover design was delayed a bit. So I’ll release it on September 15 too.
In another post I’ll say more about the process involved in creating the covers. I’m really happy with how this turned out.
Cover Reveal – “Jak and the Impossible Son”
For more info on other books I have written, click here.
Written by : Nathan J. Anderson
I'm an author, husband, father and chaplain. I have worked with thousands of patients and families as they have dealt with death and dying. I have also had my own battle with death when I faced cancer in 2012. All of this has given me a unique perspective on life and life after death. I am a Christian and am passionate about helping people understand God's word and the possibility of living forever in paradise.